Crazy Chicken - Pirates is a shoot-em-up game where you will need to shoot birds and collect items.
You will have to remain on the Chicken Island until you blow out all of the birds. To do this, you must charge your weapon by pressing the right button of your mouse, aim to the chickens that will be walking, flying, rowing or just staring at you, and shoot them by pressing the left mouse button. You will get a score based on the difficulty of targets, and the quantity of shoots you have taken to hit that target. From time to time, a chicken will show you a drawing of some of the static objects such as flags, bones, jewels and boats, that you must hit if you want to go to the next level. You must complete your mission in up to ninety seconds.
The provided download link will let you download the WildTangent Games App. Once you run the downloaded program, it will download the files for the game from the author´s website. This download will need 70 Mb. of disk space. The trial version of this game will let you play for free a few times. You can acquire the game by buying more Wildcoins, if you want to keep playing.